Regular price +s14683248984451sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? 'product-single__price product-single__price--on-sale' : 'product-single__price'" class="product-single__price" itemprop="price" content="90" [text]="s14683248984451sproductTemplates.a ? s14683248984451sproductTemplatesp.price : 'Sold Out'" i-amphtml-binding> £90.00 Regular price +s14683248984451sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? 'product-single__price--compare' : 'hidden product-single__price--compare'" i-amphtml-binding> £0
The short ko-bunka is a perfect peeler and ideal for small intricate jobs and with a little extra height over a similiar length petty it's also possible to hold in a comfortable pinch grip for even more precision. A fantastic value little sidekick!