Regular price +s6584756043842sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? 'product-single__price product-single__price--on-sale' : 'product-single__price'" class="product-single__price" itemprop="price" content="220.83" [text]="s6584756043842sproductTemplates.a ? s6584756043842sproductTemplatesp.price : 'Sold Out'" i-amphtml-binding> £220.83 Regular price +s6584756043842sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? 'product-single__price--compare' : 'hidden product-single__price--compare'" i-amphtml-binding> £0
Versatile, exceptionally sharp straight out of the box and with looks that will be the envy of anyone who sees you using it, the kiritsuke tipped sujihiki will make short work of carving your meat (just avoid bones!) and preparing fine cuts of fish.