Regular price +s6617415254082sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? 'product-single__price product-single__price--on-sale' : 'product-single__price'" class="product-single__price" itemprop="price" content="250" [text]="s6617415254082sproductTemplates.a ? s6617415254082sproductTemplatesp.price : 'Sold Out'" i-amphtml-binding> £250.00 Regular price +s6617415254082sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? 'product-single__price--compare' : 'hidden product-single__price--compare'" i-amphtml-binding> £0
Every inch of this kiritsuke sujihiki is a work of art. The skill and craftmanship that create the knife has been gained from generations of experience and it shows whichever part of the knife you look at.