Regular price +s6799426584642sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? 'product-single__price product-single__price--on-sale' : 'product-single__price'" class="product-single__price" itemprop="price" content="79.17" [text]="s6799426584642sproductTemplates.a ? s6799426584642sproductTemplatesp.price : 'Sold Out'" i-amphtml-binding=""> £79.17 Regular price +s6799426584642sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? 'product-single__price--compare' : 'hidden product-single__price--compare'" i-amphtml-binding=""> £0
Super looks, performance and a price that's hard to beat for anyone looking for a versatile and lightweight mid size petty with a red pakka wood yo handle to take your food prep to the next level.