
Konosuke Knives, also known as Kaneshige Cutlery are based in Sakai City and work with a small selection of blacksmiths and workshops to forge and sharpen their knives. The fit and extremely high standard of finish across their ranges is something they are well known for along with the subtle beauty and high level of performance of their knives.


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The highest price is £390.00 Reset
Knife | Product Type
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Brand | Blacksmith
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6 of 21 products

Konosuke GS+ Petty 150mm - Cutting Edge Knives
Konosuke GS+ Petty 150mm
Out of Stock
Konosuke GS+ Gyuto 210mm
Konosuke GS+ Gyuto 210mm
Out of Stock
Konosuke Sumiiro Petty 150mm
Konosuke Sumiiro Petty 150mm
Out of Stock
Konosuke GS+ Gyuto 240mm - Cutting Edge Knives
Konosuke GS+ Gyuto 240mm - Cutting Edge Knives
Out of Stock
Konosuke Sumiiro Gyuto 210mm
Konosuke Sumiiro Gyuto 210mm
Out of Stock
Konosuke Sumiiro Gyuto 240mm
Konosuke Sumiiro Gyuto 240mm
Out of Stock

Choosing the perfect knife & accessories

We've helped thousands of customers choose their perfect knife and kitchen accessories since 2011 and we're here to help you too.

Read our guide to choosing a Japanese knife and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!